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Oct 30, 2023

70 Plus Useful and Free Online Courses You Must Take

By manara

Date: Oct 30, 2023 

70 Plus Useful and Free Online Courses You Must Take

It's no secret that knowledge and skills will get you far in this world. Especially if your goal is to run a successful online business, knowing your stuff is a MUST. Fortunately, there are free online courses to help you learn new things and develop your talents. Thousands and thousands of free online courses at your disposal, even their entire database! You just have to look for them.

Free Online Courses
Free Online Courses

Some of the most popular educational sites that have free online courses are:

  1. • QuickSprout
  2. • Udemy
  3. • Alison

There are even some colleges that offer free online courses!

Not to mention tons of helpful blog posts. I love this list of digital marketing resources that seems to cover everything you could ever want to learn.

Honestly, there are so many amazing free online courses available to us. Sometimes the hardest part is committing to taking classes! I love this blog post from DIY Genius on how to make your own curriculum.

You might also like my blog post on how to achieve goals easily or my post on the secret to success which talks about the importance of learning.


  1. • The Daily Femme’s Social Media 101: Brand new to social media? Krystal Abbott covers the major social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest in her 4-week course.
  2. • Hootsuite Social Media Marketing Course: If you want to know the ins and outs of social media marketing, this is the course for you. Here, Hootsuite offers you 3 free courses and then you get the option to pay for the certification.
  3. • Udemy's Advanced Client Acquisition Social Media Marketing Course: How to Use Facebook Groups, Niche Forums, Forums, and YouTube to Pick Up Clients and Consulting in 48 Hours.
  4. • Alison's Social Media Marketing Course: Alison's free online social media courses cover the concepts and applications of social media marketing. Learn how to plan and implement a successful social media marketing strategy, with the option to purchase certification upon completion.
  5. • Goodwill Community Foundation Free Social Media Courses: Very Basic 101 Training. Best for people who are not familiar enough with how social media works. There are one-on-one training sessions for Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and more.
  6. • Buffer’s Social Media PR Strategies Webinar: Learn 5 quick ways to build a far-reaching social media PR and outreach strategy.
  7. • Udemy’s Social Brilliant: This course is a step-by-step guide for entrepreneurs to create effective social media marketing for their businesses.


Free Online Courses
Free Online Courses


  1. • Kitz & Co. Facebook SOS: This course is about all aspects of creating a Facebook business page. You'll learn how to use your site to really grow your business without the stress or hassle.
  2. • Udemy's Facebook Live Marketing Strategy 101: Discover the "Five T's" in this course. These key elements should be used by every live broadcaster during Facebook Live for large audiences. Learn how to create hordes of raving fans and increase conversions with this completely free traffic source.


  1. • Alex Tooby's 7-Day Instagram Authority E-Course: Learn how to turn your Instagram account into a profitable money-making machine with this email course.
  2. • Jenny Kutcher's 3 Secrets to Getting 1,000 More Instagram Followers: Learn how to increase your followers and also how to convert those followers into paying clients.
  3. • Instant Boss Club Instagram Challenge: Learn how to take the right photos, research targeted hashtags for your business, and write captions that engage your audience!
  4. • Udemy’s Instagram Growth Hacks for Beginners: This course teaches you useful Instagram growth hacks. Save time and experiment with massive Instagram growth in minutes. Use for yourself or your clients!


  1. • Moms Make Cents Pinterest Primer Course: Learn how to harness the power of Pinterest to drive traffic and build your online presence
  2. • Summer Tannhauser’s Pinterest Power Five-Day Course: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Traffic, Leads, and Sales Through Pinterest.
  3. • Jenny Kutcher's Pinterest for Profits: How to Increase Your Website Traffic 5x Using Pinterest in Just 10 Minutes a Week.
  4. • Pintastic Skills Dish It Out Social: Learn how to pin, when to pin, and what to pin at your own pace.


• Jessica Stansberry's Free Guide to Getting Your Business on YouTube: There's a Strategy to Grow Your Business on YouTube. Check out this free resource to learn what it is and how to implement it.


  1. • Stacey Myers' 3 Biggest Twitter Mistakes You Can Make and How To Avoid Them: If you're wondering about Twitter dos and don'ts, then Stacey Myers is the Twitter addict you need to learn from!
  2. • Madalyn Sklar's Secret Sauce for Boosting Your Twitter Presence: In this course, you'll learn how to grow your Twitter presence and engage with thousands of people each month through automation and organization.
  3. • Nicky Kriela's Free Twitter Mini-Course: Designed for Twitter beginners, this course tells you how to make your profile stand out, how to create a tweet, and how to grow your followers70 Plus Useful and Free Online Courses You Must Take


  1. • Meera Kothand Email Lists For Newbies: If you want to build an email list, you need this email course by Meera Kothand. It describes exactly how to start and what to write about.
  2. • Hubspot's Email Marketing Certification Course: Hubspot has very detailed online courses that are perfect for all types of learners. They offer video training, digital presentations and transcripts that you can watch and learn all about email marketing.
  3. • Jenny Kutcher's Guide to Email Lists: Do you like her podcast called Goal Digger? Check out all the benefits it offers, including this simple guide to building your own email list!
  4. • Create If Writing Free Email Course: Grow your email list the right way with this free email course. Learn and implement the best growth strategies from scratch!
  5. • Nathalie Lussier's 30-Day List Building Challenge: Want to accelerate your email list growth? Nathalie Lussier shows you how to increase your subscribers.


• Facebook Blueprint: Who better to learn about Facebook advertising than from the Powerhouse platform itself! They have all sorts of online resources to show you how to promote your business on their platform.


  1. • Addi Ganley’s Affiliate Blueprint: This is a free 4-day email course that will show you how to make your first affiliate sale.
  2. • Oh She Blogs’ Affiliate Marketing 101: Learn all the secrets to passive affiliate income through your blog.


  1. • Udemy's B2B Content Marketing Training: Learn how to create B2B content marketing.
  2. • Hubspot's Content Marketing Certification Course: Hubspot also covers content marketing topics! Their courses are very thorough. You will learn how to create a strategy and create content.


  1. • Moz's SEO Learning Center: There's no better way to get started with SEO education. Moz is the leading resource for all things SEO, and their beginner's guide will show you how to harness the power of SEO for your business.
  2. • Udemy’s Whiteboard SEO: All the tips and tricks you need to know about SEO, all in one online course!
  3. • Udemy's Search Engine Optimization for Business: More SEO training from Udemy. This course is aimed at social media managers, executives and entry-level employees.


  1. • Google Analytics Academy: If you love numbers, you'll love learning more about analytics! Google offers several courses to help you understand SEO and how to improve your website content.
  2. • Alison's Google Analytics course: Understanding website traffic statistics is important in any business. Understanding Google Analytics will make you a more competitive entrepreneur.
  3. • Social Media Analytics: This class covers the basic principles of social media analytics. It is ideal for both beginners and traders who want to refresh their knowledge.


  1. • Hubspot's Inbound Sales Certification Course: What the Hell Is Inbound Sales? In this awesome Hubspot course you can learn methods, strategies and how to produce sales.
  2. • Careful Cents’ No More Job Boards: Learn how to get more clients as a freelancer. This course covers client acquisition strategies that don't require searching through job boards.
  3. • Double Your Freelance Contribution What You're Worth: Most freelancers don't realize they're running a business, not a hobby. Take this online course to learn how to take control and build confidence about your rates.


• Wonderlass Webinar Crash Course: Webinars can be a lot of work, but they can also really help you increase your income overnight! Here you can learn how to create, design and promote your own webinar!


  1. • Hedera House’s Unboring Your Writing Course: This is a free mini-course that guides you through simple ways to bring your writing to life through deliberate choice of style and voice.
  2. • Pen and Parent’s Write 3K in 3 days: Join this free challenge and you will be able to write 3000 words in 3 days. Take this course and churn out a few blog posts or newsletters in no time!
  3. • How to Write Faster by Daniel David Wallace: This course will help you develop a powerful writing habit: write faster. You will learn how to avoid distractions and work in less time. (Can I get an Amen?)
  4. • Become a Better Blogger in 12 Days by Jeff Goins: Is it possible to grow your blog to over 100,000 readers in 18 months? Jeff Goins says YES and will teach you how!


  1. • Copyblogger's Copywriting 101: If you want to really excel as a copywriter, consider taking this copywriting course that will give you the intensive training you'll need. It's designed to help you with the basics of writing great copy.
  2. • Open 2 Study’s Writing for the Web: Understanding the difference between writing for print and writing for the web starts with learning how readers behave differently online. This course will show you how meet the needs of online readers through design, writing style, structure and SEO.
  3. • Free Irresistible Copywriting Training from Write With Influence: See how today's top copywriters and savvy marketers are creating content as irresistible as cookies or puppies


  1. • Make Freelance Money from Creative Revolt: You have the skills to write great content, you just need to learn how to treat your freelance writing like a business that will pay the bills.
  2. • Mama Hustle Repeat - How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer: Jumpstart your writing career by learning how to land your first client!
  3. • Elna Cain’s Get Pay to Write Online: This free mini-course will help you land your first freelance writing client so you can earn money as a writer.


  1. • Canva Graphic Design Jumpstart by Ivory Mix: In this course, you'll learn how to design beautiful, professional, self-branded graphic designs inside Canva, one of the best free graphic design apps in the world.
  2. • AppleCart Lane Graphic Design Mini-Course: In this free video course, learn the top ten graphic design mistakes to avoid (and what to do) when creating graphics for your blog or online business.
  3. • Double Bergamot’s Entrepreneur’s Guide to Jaw-dropping Typography: Here is a free resource library to help any graphic designer looking to improve their skills!
  4. • Digital Decluttered's Free Canva Course: Canva is known for being extremely user-friendly for anyone interested in creating graphics for digital marketing purposes. You can learn how to use it in this online course!
  5. • Alison’s Graphic Design Course: This exciting course explores different design elements. You will learn all about line, shape, form and structure and the principles of design, including composition, balance, contrast and hierarchy.
  6. • Udemy's How to Create Better Graphic Design: Learn the basics of design and how to improve it.


  1. • Wonderlass Strong Brand Mini-Course: You need a unique brand that stands out. It should show YOUR personality and attract the right people. Learn how in this mini course!
  2. • Branded Solopreneur’s Breaking Brand Course: Free 7-day email course on branding.
  3. • Elle and Company's 4-Week Brand Challenge: Create an effective brand by participating in their 4-Week Brand Challenge. It will help you feel like your business is uniquely yours and help you stand out in your niche!
  4. • Define Your Brand's Visual Style by Tabitha Emma: If you feel like something isn't working with your brand and you're never happy enough to stick with it for long. Learn how to create a brand you adore!
  5. • Michaela Hoffman's 5-Day Build Your Brand Blueprint Challenge: Learn how to build your brand in 5 days.


  1. • Brittany Berger's Business Automation Challenge: Automating Workflows - Sound Scary? It does not have to be! Brittany Berger shares her secrets for setting up workflows that will save you time.
  2. • Summer Tannhauser's Streamline Your Biz Strategy: A lot of entrepreneurs still don't even know what systems and processes are, so they really need this 10-day course to teach them all about business strategy! It covers topics like social media, delegating tasks, and setting up automation.
  3. • Master Time Management My Adaptable Career: Time management is an essential skill. But believe me, it is not always easy to get it. You can start improving this skill with this 5-day email course.


  1. • Accounting Coach Training: Tracking your cashflow is extremely important. Explore these extensive modules.
  2. • Alison's Accounting Core Practices and Theory: Alison's accounting course was designed for entrepreneurs looking for a thorough introduction to accounting practices and the inputs and outputs of accounting!

CSS teaching workshop lessons for bloggers and free cheats.

With over 83 free online courses listed here, hopefully you'll find something that interests you.


• Proofread Anywhere Caitlin Pyle: Some people enjoy writing while others enjoy proofreading! Learn how to turn this unique skill set into a money-making business from Caitlin Pyle.


• Janet Shaughnessy's Transcribe Anywhere: With video content being produced every second of every day, the demand for transcribers has increased tenfold! Today you can learn how to become a transcriber and find your own clients.


• Free Entrepreneur On Fire Podcast Course: This podcast course covers everything you need to know to successfully create and launch your podcast.

• Jump Start Your Joy’s Podcasting Fundamentals: Learn how to start your own podcast and use it to grow your audience and business.


  1. • Horkey’s 7 Days or less to Branded Website Success Guide: A simple step-by-step guide to getting a branded website or blog up and running in less than a week!
  2. • The Ultimate Guide to Squarespace by Megan Minns: Do you prefer SquareSpace to WordPress? No problem! Megan Minns course contains 24 video tutorials. You'll feel like an expert in no time!
  3. • How to start a blog How to start a blog Making sense of pennies: In this course you will learn how to start a blog from scratch from this popular blogger who earns more than 7 places a year through affiliate marketing!
  4. • The She Approach’s Tweak & Peak Email Challenge: Find and Fix the Most Common Blogging Mistakes, Tweak Your Website and Increase Your Blog Traffic in Just 7 Days!
  5. • Worry-free WordPress by Ali Rand: Learn how to maintain your website the right way. Everything from backup to security, you get it all!
  6. • How to Design Your Own Blog by Kotryna Bass: Learn all about Kotryna's favorite blogging resources and tools, plus some perks to encourage you to take your blog to the next level!
  7. • Yes to Tech’s Get Your Dream Website: The Epic Website Challenge is a beginner’s 5-step guide to getting your website online fast. This is perfect for non-technical online entrepreneurs, bloggers and small business owners. By the end of this challenge, you'll have all the tools you need to create a website for your own use.
  8. • Blog Biz Boss Free WordPress Course for Beginners: WordPress is notorious for being a bit difficult to learn. This course will teach you how to set up your own WordPress website and start blogging with ease.
  9. • Landing Page Conversion Course: In this hands-on course, landing page expert Oli Gardner guides you through how to create high-converting landing pages. Follow the step-by-step instructional videos to help you create your own landing pages
  10. 70 Plus Useful and Free Online Courses You Must Take

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